Friday, November 7, 2008

British Ambassador Honoured by ESU

Monday 3rd November 2008
Poska House
by Michael Wynne-Parker

At the latest meeting of the English Speaking Union of Estonia, held in the newly refurbished Poska House, HE Mr Peter Carter was appointed as its first Patron. Toomas Vitsut, Chairman of ESU Estonia presented the Ambassador with his Certificate of Office and referred to the visit of Queen Elizabeth II who challenged Estonia to become the 49 th country to join the International organization of which Her Majesty is International Patron. The Ambassador addressed the meeting saying how delighted he was to receive this honour from such a prestigious organization and pledging his enthusiastic support in the future.
Following the Presentation the meeting heard from four members who had recently attended events in the UK sponsored by the ESU. First to adddress the audience was Riina Altpere, a member of the ESU Committee, on her attendance at the ESU International Conference held on Edinburgh where, in the presence of over 250 delegates, including HRH Prince Philip she spoke of the experiences of ESU Estonia in it first year . Next came Jevgenia Djatchuk, another Committee member who had spent a week at Oxford University participating in an ESU International Relations Conference . Then followed a presentation by Kristjan and Henrik Salum who had participated in the ESU Annual Shakespeare Seminar in both Stratford-on-Avon and London.-Their audio-visual approach to the subject truly captured the imagination of the audience many of whom had not visited the places associated with Shakespeares, birth, life and death.

Toomas Vitsut concluded the meeting by thanking all four speakers for showing so clearly some of the ESU membership advantages including travel and participation in not only UK but International cultural events. Following the meeting members and their guests enjoyed a cup of tea allowing time for english conversation!

photos by Okeiko

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